GFTG Competitions!

Register for either meet at , OR email rosters / questions to: [email protected]

Peace, Love, & Chalk Invitational
Febuary 8th & 9th, 2020

USAIGC-All Levels
We are proud to host the 8th annual....
Peace, Love, and Chalk Invitational!
Competition Site: GFTG
Awards for Everyone!
Great Goodie Bags
Awesome Raffles
Fun contests!
Vault: AAI Tac-10 with forgiving over-pit landing. Uneven Bars: AAI Balance Beams: AAI & SA Palmer spring floor Music: iPod (preferred) or CD
ENTRY: $75 / Gymnast $45 / Team Level SCRATCH DEADLINE: January 31st

April Fools Invitational
March 21st & 22nd, 2020

USAIGC-All Levels
USAG-All Levels
This will be our Fourth year hosting this meet! We're very excited for a Fun and Wacky... April Fools Invitational!
Competition Site: Parsippany P.A.L 33 Baldwin Rd, Parsippany, NJ 07054
  Awards for Everyone!
Funny Goodie Bags & Raffles
Hilarious Awards!
ENTRY: $45 / Team Level $105 / Gymnast ENTRY DEADLINE: March 5th SCRATCH DEADLINE: March 5th
Hope to see you there!!!
Equipment provided by: MANCINO

USAIGC Elite Skills Clinic

October 12 & 13, 2019 Email Coach Tim for more info, or to Register.

USAIGC Elite Skills Clinic

October 12 & 13, 2019
Email Coach Tim for more info, or to Register.